Looks like a great time was had! Thanks @Arrowbear Rider for leading it and to @AJStar89 and @ShelbyHall for the assist!
Hi everyone! Just a quick reminder to please sign up for my newsletter if you'd like to receive the photo gallery from Sunday. I will be emailing them out by Wednesday. Thanks! Sign up at: www.shelbyhalloffroad.comNOTE: THIS RUN IS FULL. Please choose one of the other runs being offered or set one up yourself (Here are Dusty's). Here are my notes on how to do so.
DATE & TIME: Sundayday, June 9, 9:30 AM to give people extra time to pack & checkout.
- TRAIL RATING: Easy scenic run off the mountain
- TRAILS: Clark's Grade via Mill Creek,
- STAGING LOCATION: Big Bear Civic Center parking lot. It's close to the Tulip Lane route to Mill Creek Rd then Clark's Grade, and there's plenty of space. Use the parking lot on the east side of the civic center.
- https://goo.gl/maps/5bCj4SKbGKcUBT439
Clark’s Grade | So Cal Broncos
1. Marcus, @Arrowbear Rider
2. Shelby Hall
3. Nick Jolliff
4. Rick Stein
5. Steven Matthews
6. Matt @MattyP
7. Greg L
8. George Lozano
9. Anthony Garcia
10. AJ Starsiak
11. Tom Benjamin
12. John & Shanda Turner
13. Dan Jessip
14. Nirmal Patel
15. Daniel Allison
16. Saeed Shaeli
17. Eddie Arias
18. Deserae Allen
19. Libby Friz
20. Kenny Fincher
I'd like to welcome Shelby Hall, she is joining me and will be the lead Bronco for the run down. She's volunteered to help me lead the run and I welcome her help and experience.
Leaving tomorrow for 5 days, I'll give you what I can/have when I return.Hey everyone WE WANT YOUR PHOTOS from this run! I maintain a massive repository of photos from So Cal Broncos runs and events stretching back to 2002. I've just created the various galleries for Big Bear Bronco Bash XXIII in my SmugMug account, where you can upload your photos for everyone to see, and where they will be preserved in our SCB photo archive indefinitely. You may have already posted them to Facebook or elsewhere, which is great, but here they will have a permanent home that's easy to find and enjoy by everyone for years to come, rather than quickly falling off everyone's social media news feed to never be seen again. As an added bonus, these collections also feed into our So Cal Broncos social media postings as well as trail-specific photo galleries on the SCB website. So please consider adding yours to the collection(s). Please upload your original photos in their original resolution (preferably not scaled down due to uploading then re-downloading from Facebook or IG), and preferably without any editing or filters. Just go to the gallery for this run at the following link, and look for the upload link in the gallery description to add your own photos. Myself and So Cal Broncos thank you! The gallery this run is at https://dustysharp.smugmug.com/So-Cal-Broncos/2024/Big-bear-Bronco-Bash-XXIII/BBBBXXII-Clarks-Grade